Friday, December 16, 2016

12 tips to maintining a healthy relationship

Everyone has problems in relationships, I, myself have gone through many, be it with your significant other, friend or family member and it's usually everyone’s goal to keep these relationship’s a lifelong one. Often times we end up making things much more complicated than they actually are, which tends to just make situation much more confusing than they already were. I myself have been through this kind of situation many times, and through past relationships and friendships, here are a few things I have learned that have helped me strengthen all my current relations.

  1. All relations take work and effort. In order to keep a relation to work between two people you must be willing to be yourself and you must be willing to share what's in your head and heart.     
  2. You can only change yourself, not someone else. Many people think that they can change another person, but the truth of the fact is that you can’t. Only they themselves can change how they are. If you feel like there are a few things that are bothering you about the other person, tell them. Cause only they have the power to change their own actions and behaviour.   
  3. All arguments that we have usually come from our own fears and pain. A lot of times we get angry at our friend or family member or partner for some reason, but usually if taking a closer look you realise that this anger comes from the fact that you have something bothering you inside. This is something I realised after getting into an argument with a friend, and I had realised that it wasn’t their fault, in fact that my anger had come from insecurities reminded to me in that situation.
  4. Understand that everyone is different. No matter who you are, you are different from everyone else. And while you may agree and have a similar opinion on one subject, your opinion can differ on another leading to arguments and disagreements. Everyone has their own way of living and being, and this should be respected.
  5. Have regular catch-up. Make sure that no matter how far ahead life takes you, you stay in touch and occasionally meet up with each other to catch up. Many times after knowing someone for long we tend to resume normal life without paying them much attention so it’s always good to show them some love and just hangout in a while.
  6. Be responsible for your own happiness. No one else can make you happy but yourself. If you are unhappy and think it might be your friend or someone else fault, maybe you should take a look and think again. It is your own responsibility to keep yourself happy, take care of that. This was something that took me a long time to understand and learn. I always expected things from others expecting that they would be the ones to make me happy, only to learn that while they could try please me, in the end it’s in my hand to feel happy.
  7. Communication. This was subtly mentioned a lot in the previous point, but one major point is to talk. No matter who this person is you should be able to talk to them without judgement and also be able to listen to what they have to say without judgement. It is important to make sure that you always tell them if there is something about you two bothering you so that you can fix this problem.
  8. Own up to your mistakes. While this might be hard to do, as often times we have people's ego’s clashing. It is necessary that you own up to your mistakes and admit anything you have done wrong. Be humble and sincere without adding excuses or justifications.
  9. Be loyal. This counts as a friend, as a partner and in many other ways. It is necessary to keep trust and always promise to stay loyal to the other person and make sure they know that you will always support them.
  10. Give each other space. While it is nice to spend time with friends and family, it is important that you give each other space too to develop. Everyone needs their freedom, and you should let the other person have theirs.
  11. Don’t keep unnecessary expectations. It is ok to expect your friend to be loyal and trustworthy but you should never have large expectations from them which are hard to fulfill as this will only lead to disappointment and you being hurt. Like I mentioned before, everyone is different that is why everyone has a different way to express themselves,so just cause you show them your appreciation someway, doesn't mean you should expect them to do the same.
  12. Always take steps with logical thinking and your heart. Usually we tend to put our ego and pride into our relationships, which ruins our way of thinking and often leads to arguments and fights. A good way to avoid this from happening is to relax, and let yourself cool down, make yourself busy somewhere before tackling the situation again.

If you follow all of these points, you should be able to maintain a very healthy relationship with anyone. These are the exact points that have helped me keep my friends and family strong for many years through the thick and the thin and if you follow this then you should be able to maintain healthy relations too. Otherwise there is one thing that I read which you should always remember “Everyone in your life has a reason, some are a blessing while some are a lesson”



  1. I think the title catches the attention of the reader and perfectly describes what the blog is about. The language was good throughout the post and the structure was good and nicely segmented which made it easy to read. This post was very informative and beneficial and I think a lot of people would most likely benefit from reading this. I found this post useful for me and I think it will help me with maintaining healthy relationships with my family and friends. I think you made some really good points throughout the text. I found it interesting to read what has helped you with your relationships so good job!

  2. I like this post a lot because it gives good and clear instructions. The title is effective because it summarises what the reader is waiting for in the text. The layout of the text is great. I especially like the layout because it has clear subheadings for every different instruction. I know it might be hard to find pictures on this topic but maybe you could of found a inspirational quote online and added that as a picture. This would make the text more eye-catching. The language was mostly appropriate although there were times when you used the word 'cause' when it might of been more appropriate to use 'because'. I like the way you portrayed this topic and I agree with all your points.

  3. This is a list of points I believe many people should read, just because it is so accurate and applies to every kind relationship, be it between your partner or friend. The title is eye-catching and makes it easy to understand what the blog post is about.

  4. I agree with everyone, this post is extremely well written with many valid points and are backed up well. The language was good and the structure of the text was perfect. Good use of subheadings. Also, the fact that this text refers to your personal experience makes it so much more reliable and accurate. Good job!

  5. I like how this is informative but still has your personal experience in it. It's clear that you know what you're talking about. I like point 4 and 6 the most. I think it's important to be happy and independent because that will attract like-minded people. Still you probably don't agree on exactly everything and you should try to understand each others opinions before giving up on the relationship. It's so important to understand that you're not right about everything and there is something you can learn from everyone.

  6. The structure and layout of this post is very effective (though the dark text is quite difficult to read - I apologize if this is because of the template I chose for the blog). The advice you give is quite, good, to, and applicable to a wide range of relationships. Too bad it's not always as easy to follow these tips, but it never hurts to try to improve!

    1. One more thing...there is a typo in the title - it should be 'maintaining'


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