Friday, December 16, 2016

Is it actually reality?

Reality tv shows are easily addictive and usually create a lot of opinions. Although they might seem simple and easy, when you are watching a lovely singing contestant, one might ask oneself what is actually going on behind the scenes? It might be that it is not that black and white as it seems to be. It might be good to sometimes think critically and consider that everything might not actually be as simple as it seems. You might also ask yourself if you are actually watching reality tv or something else?

Well, I have been following X Factor for a while and actually our whole family is watching it. I have fallen so strongly for these kind of shows and followed them intensely for a few years.

Keeping average contestants instead of good singers
But I feel like it has changed. Is everything actually not reality after all? Because it seemed like people that were funny but had a terrible voices were kept safe and not voted off the show. Although that seems weird because isn´t the whole point of a talent show that the ones with the best voices are going through to the next round and the ones that do not reach to the standard are sent home? Are the ones with bad voices kept safe just for entertainment? And just for people to have opinions and talk about the show? Cause at least for me I feel annoyed when good singers are sent home while more like comedians with average voice are kept safe just so that people have something to talk about. And the worst part of it is that it actually works. People that don´t have a good voice but are funny actually get people really opinionated and make us watch the show so we are able to express our opinions. I felt like it when I watched the X Factor. I didn´t understand how more like “comedians” were sent through to the next round and good singers were sent home.

Knowing the winner from the beginning
And also, is it already decided in the beginning of the shows who is going to be in the top 5 or even who´s the winner? And that they randomly choose other contestants just to make people watch the show and just to mix them with the winners? And because they have already chosen the top 5, they don´t mind having bad singers and more like comedians in the show, as it doesn´t matter. Cause who would watch a show where everyone is perfect and have the most beautiful voices? And that people that actually have a chance are sent home because there wouldn´t be as many people watching the show and sharing opinions and tweeting about it? Because the show is actually there just for the making sure that people are watching it.

In X Factor, they have a system that randomly chooses themes for the following week. The theme is reflected in the songs singed by the contestants. It seemed weird to me as it just happened that the halloween theme just happened to randomly be chosen when it was Halloween. It must have been just a coincidence... And I guess that it was also just a coincidence when the christmas theme happened to be one of the last themes as Christmas is approaching. I guess it would´ve been stupid if the christmas theme would´ve been the first theme and the halloween theme not on halloween. But it was said that the system would just randomly pick a theme and not choose a theme to fit the situation.

I don´t know if this is true. It might just be me over analysing it. But these thoughts popped to my mind when I watched the show. Is everything actually planned and organised precisely for us to be glued to the show and of course the show getting money because of so many watching it? Are we all just being fooled and has it all gone overboard? I don´t know. These are my thoughts.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was really interesting to read about your thoughts when it comes to reality TV. I absolutely agree that reality TV sometimes sounds too "planned" for it to be reality. It was also refreshing to hear someone else's point of view when it comes to the X-factor and the weird choices of contestants this year, since I watched it myself and had some thoughts and opinions when these choices was made. I also feel like they chose a lot of people just because of their unusual personality instead of choosing someone because of their good singing skills, just as you said. The sub-headings could have been clearer (bigger font or underlining). Overall a good and interesting blog post.

  3. I liked the title of this post and I think it was effective for me as a reader because it made me want to read the text. I think this post was well written and that the language was suitable for this post. I liked how you asked questions throughout your text because it made me think and ponder them. The layout was good and I liked how you had different sections. But I also think the subheadings could have been made a different color for example and stood out more because I could not easily separate them from the rest of the text. Also I think it would have been nice if you had put some pictures in your post. I think it was interesting reading your opinions on this topic because I have also thought of the same things before. So I agree with a lot about what you say in your text. I like the fact how you leave the reader with no precise answer and leave the reader to ponder the questions you asked in the text.

  4. I like blog posts that make you think about your position on the topic, and this is precisely what this post does. While the questions are effective, having too many can work against you, so try to vary the ways you get your readers to reflect upon their own ideas. The points the above comments make are good ones - if you are going to use sub-titles, then make them stand out. One other addition could be specific examples (and pictures) from this season's shows to help back up your points.


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