Friday, December 16, 2016

Public speaking: How to make an efficient speech or presentation?

In my life I have personally faced public speaking a fair bit. I can tell you, it can be a very uncomfortable situation, especially if you are talking about a subject that doesn't interest you or if you have not prepared well. There are several different elements that you should take into account before and during a speech or presentation. If you do this you will be rid of your stage fright and you will be a very efficient public speaker.

Things to do before giving a speech or presentation:

Choosing the topic: If you are allowed to choose the topic that you are going to be talking about yourself, then you should definitely talk about something that you are interested in and passionate about. It will be easier to talk about something that you are interested in, because you will probably know more about the topic.

Preparation is key to a successful speech or presentation. Especially if you are giving an informative speech or presentation you should reasearch the topic throughly so that you know what your are talking about. If you are giving an opinionated speech then you should make sure your opinions are very clear so that the audience understands your perspective on the matter.

You should also prepare a small card with some bullet points about the topic, so that if you get stuck at some point it will be easy for you to get back on track. However, one thing that you shouldn't do is write a whole text and then just read that. This will make the speech or presentation sound boring and it will be hard to catch the audiences attention, let alone keep it. If you are giving a presentation it can help to have some visual aide for the audience. However, the visual aide (powerpoint, prezi etc)  should be kept short and simple. This is because you want the audiences primary attention to be on what you are saying and not what is on the visual aide.

After you have prepared you should practice many times. This will make talking much easier for you because you won't get lost for words as easily and you will know how to proceed from one thing to another. If you do get lost for words you can have a quick glance at your card with bullet points and that should refresh your memory. If you have the possibility to practice in the same space where you are going to be having your final speech or presentation it would be a good idea to do this. If you do this it will be easier for you to give the speech or presentation because you will be somewhat used to your surroundings and therefore more likely to deliver a successful speech or presentation.

At first you should practice by yourself but then when you feel confident enough you should practice in front of your family, friends and/or co-workers. You should also ask them for feedback so that you know what to improve.  If this is a speech or presentation related to work it might be more useful to present in front of your co-workers because they might know more about the subject. Family members' opinions can be biased because they know you so well and therefore co-workers might be a more reliable option.

Things to do during a speech or presentation:

Body language
Your body language plays a large role in the picture that people perceive from you. You should stand up straight, have a good posture and make sure to look at your audience while speaking. It is important that you use body language that makes you look comfortable so in other words do not cross your arms, instead have them by your sides or use them to point something out. You should also strive to show confidence with your body language by using your hands and expressing different concepts with them. This is important because it makes you look very comfortable and passionate about the topic, so therefore the audience will be more open to your ideas.

Speaking may be one of the most challenging parts in giving a speech or presentation ;however, it is not impossible. You should remember not to read your speech/presentation from a paper or a slide. This is seen as a sign of discomfort and therefore the audience might not be that open to your ideas. Try to sound confident and one key thing is remember to relax. If you do not relax you might start stuttering and this of course gives a negative impact for your presentation. Do not make the speech or presentation too long either, because the audience could get bored eventually. You might want to get the audience involved too. This is a good and efficient way to get the audience interested about your topic. This method also shows courage, confidence and comfort and the audience will enjoy your speech or presentation more.


Picture Sources:


  1. I really enjoyed this blogpost. I feel like the topic is very relevant and the language is appropriate. The title is clear and interesting. The post is a nice length - any longer and I doubt that i would've bothered reading it, any shorter and it probably wouldn't have been informative enough.

  2. As Sofia mentioned, I also think that the topic is very relevant and can help a lot of people when having a presentation. I feel like everyone can always improve their skills in having a presentation and I think that you gave some good tips in the blog post. You seem to have a lot of knowledge about the subject and I also feel like everything that you mentioned was useful and nothing seemed to be unnecessary or irrelevant in the text. The structure of the text is good and it is also easy to read it because of the subheadings.

  3. I thought this blog post was very well written and had simple and understandalbe language. I liked the use of pictures especially as they make the blog more eye-catching to read. The outline of the blog with different topics shown under different subtitles and also the fact that you gave step By step instructions and tips really helped in reading the blog and also in keeps a good structure. I especially like the fact that you made the blog more personal and used yourself as an example in certain areas.

  4. The step-by-step format works really well with this topic. One thing you could add is a conclusion which goes back to what you started with in your introductory words.
    The language is good, though there are a few missing apostrophes throughout.


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