Friday, December 16, 2016

Top 8 reasons to visit Maui

If your planning on going on a vacation but don’t know were to go then I have got you the perfect place where you can go to if you want to go somewhere warm. Maui! Maui is the perfect place to go and visit. Maui is the second-largest island of the Hawaiian Islands and it is situated in the Central Pacific. There are tons of reasons why you should go there and I will tell you my top 8 reasons why you should go and visit Maui. I can tell you that I have been to Maui and it has been one of the best vacations I’ve ever been to. So if you want to have a blast on vacation then Maui is a great place for you to go to! Below are my top 8 reasons why Maui is a great place to go on vacation to.

       1.    Great Beaches


Maui has amazing beaches and many miles of beach. You can go to beaches with white, red or even black sand! The beaches in Maui are amazing for just relaxing or for going swimming in the ocean. The water is really clear and warm and so the beaches in Maui are a great place to go swimming in!

      2.    Snorkeling


Snorkeling is a very fun activity that anyone can do. Maui has many amazing places where you can go and snorkel. Maui has very clear water in places and you can see a large variety of different kinds of fish, coral, turtles and even reef sharks! If you love snorkeling or have never tried but would want to then Maui offers great places where you can go and snorkel. You can go and snorkel near the beach or you can go on snorkeling trips. When I went to Maui I snorkeled in several places! I went on a snorkeling trip, which went to a place near a tiny island, but also I snorkeled in the ocean near various beaches. In all the places I snorkeled I saw amazing sea life and it’s an experience that I will surely never forget. It is so much fun that you won’t ever want to leave the water!

      3.    Surfing


Surfing is so much fun and Maui has the perfect beaches to experience this activity. If you have always wanted to surf or love to surf then go to Maui and go surfing. You can sign up to surfing lessons if you have never surfed before. Surfing is one of the several watersports that Maui offers and in my opinion the best! I surfed my first time in Maui and I can tell you that it was really fun!

      4.    Whale watching


Whale watching is an amazing experience that you will never forget once you have done it. Whale season in Maui starts in late November and ends by the end of April. You can go on a whale watching tour and there are plenty to choose from or you can watch them from the land. I went on a whale watching tour and I can tell you that it was amazing and really cool to see the whales from pretty close by. If you have always wanted to see whales with your very own eyes then Maui is the perfect place to go and do that.

      5.    Zip lining


Zip lining is a really fun activity to do with your family. Maui has many different places where you can go zip lining. You will get to experience amazing and great views off the tropical plantation or beach. Zip lining in Maui is nothing like you have ever experienced before. The number of zip line courses there are range between the different places that offer zip lining. There could be 5 or even 9 zip lines that you get to go on! I had a great time zip lining in Maui and I know you will too if you go!

      6.    Food culture


If you want to try out new foods or taste foods that you never have had before then Maui can offer you that. Maui has a Hawaiian cuisine with many types of delicious foods. I tried many different kinds of foods when I was in Maui and it was really good and fun to try new foods. So if you love food or want to try new foods then you will love the food culture of Maui.

      7.    Haleakala Crater


Haleakala is a volcano that forms about ¾ of the Maui Island! The tallest peak of Haleakala rises to 3055 meters above sea level! It is a stunning view to see the Haleakala Crater. You are able to experience the full majesty of the views with no hiking required! This is a place you must visit if going to Maui because the views are truly breathtaking.

      8.    Great Weather and Nature


The weather in Maui is amazing all year round. You can go their pretty much whenever and it will be warm. It’s basically summer in Maui all year long! I went to Maui in December but it felt like summer there so you won’t have to worry about it being cold if you go to Maui. Also Maui has great views and really pretty nature. The sunsets in Maui are amazing! I think Maui is was one of the prettiest places I have ever been to!

Here were just 8 reasons why you should go visit Maui but there are many more reasons why you should go. Based on my personal experience in Maui I would highly recommend going there. There are a ton of places you can go to and a lot of fun activities that you can do. It is a great vacation destination to go to and hopefully you can go there one day!



  1. I really liked this post! The content was very informative and all the things you recommended were different from each other so everyone would find something interesting to do. After reading this, I felt really eager to visit Maui and I liked how you used your personal experience to convince the reader to go there.

  2. Really interesting and inspiring post! Many of the activities sound like a lot of fun. I also liked that you included snorkeling since it's one of my personal favorites. It was nice to hear about someone's personal experiences.

  3. This post was really interesting and i learned some new things about maui. It was really enjoyable to read. The title was effective, right when i saw the title i immediately wanted to read what were the 8 reasons to visit maui. The layout was good, and i liked that each point had a picture of that point, so i could have a visual idea on what you were talking about. This post was really informative and i really liked also that you used your personal experience on this post.

  4. The concept for this post is really good and effective, and like the others have said, the structure and layout works well.
    However, the language and sentence structure is rather repetitive and you don't give a lot of details to back up your points (e.g. about Hawaiian cuisine).


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